As lovely as the UK was, eventually the pull to home and warmer climes got the better of me and I packed two children, one cat and two horses on to a plane and returned home.
Chaucitta, the Argentinean polo pony was becoming very well travelled, having been born in Argentina, sold to Singapore, taken to USA for the John and Josh Lyons Certification Program, then to the UK where she demonstrated and taught children to ride and now home to Australia. I had made her a promise one day in Singapore and I wasn't about to give up on that.
Of course, moving horses is not as hard as the poor cat, who'd already done two stints of 6 months quarantine in the UK. Thankfully for Mr McGregor, it was only a few weeks to get him home this trip. The horses got a few weeks in the UK and a few in Australia. How exciting it was picking them up from the airport.
I arrived to collect the dear little polo pony, now she must have been about 16 years old. I pulled in behind a very flashy truck collecting a number of warmbloods from Germany. Haha, I still left the quarantine station with the best horse!
Having been overseas for 18 years, it was very good to finally be home.
Have you moved your family and pets around much? Leave me a comment below and tell me about your experience.
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